7 Important Reasons to outsource your Marketing

#1) In the vast majority of american businesses – marketing is not a profit center

#2) Most executives are not happy with the results their marketing teams are achieving

#3) There is too often a disconnect between sales and marketing – so sales teams do not agressively sell their marketing campaigns because it is not what they believe your customers want and / or need

#4) Sales people are much closer to the customer – they interact with them thousands of times a day – yet marketing programs are too often developed and executed in a vacuum without the pulse from the customer – and so they often don’t meet their projected ROI or the target customers needs

#5) Marketing teams don’t deliver on their #1 objective which is to provide a steady stream of targeted prospects to their sales team

#6) They too often aren’t able to provide an accurate ROI on their programs or identify an accurate number of sales that resulted from their targeted marketing campaigns

#7) In general they struggle to fully understand and therefore fully leverage today’s most effective Web 2.0 and Social Media eProspecting tools to generate an ongoing steady stream of qualified sales leads – Those are pretty harsh statements – but guess who are amongst the first employees to be let go during our economic downturn – marketing – why – because it is perceived they’ll be amongst the least missed – Tune into this webcast – and compare your organization’s marketing strategy with today’s most effective Web 3.0 Marketing Strategies and you’ll leave more convinced than ever of the value of outsourcing your marketing